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Join us at The Thirsty Tinker to see what happens in Tar Valon when the sun goes down.

Featuring Recappa Sedai, Nae'Blis, and Jess from The Amyrlin's Study.

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Feb 28, 2023

Naebs works really hard to turn home improvement into innuendo, and we learn all kinds of neat shit about the White Tower. There's also, like, sketches and a commercial and shit. You're welcome.

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Feb 14, 2023

We go waaaaay off topic before focusing up for Eyes and Ears, Truth Defense Dispatch, and a rolicking discussion about Dumai's Wells. It's iconic, but is it good? How should it look in the show? And probably some other crap we can't remember. You're welcome.

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Feb 7, 2023

It's episode 69! Nice. We welcome an amazing guest, Mostly Bree, to talk about sex in The Wheel of Time. We also have Truth Defense Dispatch, Lini's Advice Hive, and a very special commercial for your enjoyment. Join our Discord. Support us on Patreon. 

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